Trip to Denmark

Loring: the star of roasters Hello, my unconditional coffee lovers. I wanted to tell you that this last September I had the opportunity and the pleasure of traveling to Denmark, to know an innovative alternative in terms of roasting coffee that surely you’ll love. Here we tell you everything about it. The journey An enriching […]

A very fertile event

Don’t miss the last Degusto chronicle Hello, coffee fans. In this article, we tell you everything about the last event where we were present. A spectacular meeting at the International Convention Center of Barcelona that was coming with “a fast tail”. Thousands of people from all over the world gathered at the forum this week, […]

XII Barista championship

Best Barista 2018 Hello again! Here we are with more news about everything that happened in one of the most intense weeks for our beloved sector. Within the framework of the Alimentaria 2018 fair, which this year was joined with Hostelco 2018, becoming a mega fair that now has nothing to envy the Mobile World […]

Tasting championship

What else happened at Hostelco. We were there Hello, coffee fans. We continue to detail more of everything that took place last week in this impressive edition of Alimentaria / Hostelco 2018. Within the framework of the multiple activities presented in the salon, an interesting coffee tasting contest was organized, proposed by the friends of […]

The winner must be trained, but first, train yourself

Waiter of the Year 2018 February, Thursday 22nd, the fourth semifinal of the 2018 Waiter Contest of the Year was held in Seville. The fourth finalist came out of this contest to participate in the grand final. An intense program of activities that were developed in parallel, with demonstrations of live cooking, product presentations, cocktails […]

GARTNER, the event of the year

Hello coffee friends, do not miss the impressions of what was the most spectacular and challenging event of 2017. Here reflected with words and images how exciting it was to be there. Live it with us! Xavi Iglesias at one of the coffee points The event What it is about: a major meeting between businessmen, […]


Let the EVENT of the year be yours. Let´s do it together! 

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